Savanna Energy is a Canadian owned on-shore oil and gas drilling company that was established in 2001. Since its inception Savanna Energy has become a global leader in energy services with over 180 rigs worldwide with major operations in the United States, Australia and Canada. Whilst Canada is the base of operations and houses the majority of the rigs, Savanna Energy has a strong presence in Australia. Most of the Australian fleet is concentrated in Coal Seam Gas fields in Southern Queensland and in the Condamine Basin in north eastern segment of South Australia. Savanna Energy’s Australian division head office is situated Toowoomba, Queensland with smaller offices in Brisbane and Miles.
How is the MEX maintenance software used?
MEX is deployed to the Australian division across all drilling rigs, vehicles, and offices. It is currently operating on our fleet of 17 Drilling, Workover and Flush-by rigs.
Savanna uses the MEX Asset Register as a central point for information retention. All job notes, Work Orders, History, Readings and all associated costs are recorded under each corresponding asset. As Savanna’s Asset Register is categorized by location, its maintenance team can easily locate and work with assets without hassle. They also capture comprehensive details for each vehicle in the Fleet including: Utes, trucks, trailers and loaders. Having MEX at the team’s disposal it allows them to easily monitor and confidently manage all equipment.
Through Preventative Maintenance, Savanna Energy has also setup several hundred policies to assist in the management of assets. This helps to achieve the goal of reducing breakdowns and maximising equipment operating time.
Savanna takes advantage of the portability of MEX by having all maintenance staff in the field using the iOS App on their iPhones or iPads, as well as the web app on intrinsically safe tablets. Staff can access the Asset Register, Work Orders and submit maintenance requests directly from the field.
Why did you decide to host your data with MEX?
Savanna Energy chose to host its data with MEX for several reasons. Firstly, Savanna’s corporate IT systems are run from Calgary, Canada and the time zones mean that resolving IT issues can take several days which can heavily impact on the day to day operations. Hosting data with MEX is an easy way to ensure that the system is always up to date, maintained, and available at all times.
Another contributing factor to the decision was the cost of going on the Cloud. Paying the additional premium to host data with MEX is easily offset against the cost to have the system on internal servers, especially when considering additional requirements and costs for backups, fail-over systems, bandwidth costs and the added internal costs.
How long have you been hosting your data with MEX?
Savanna Energy has used the MEX Data Hosting service since it initially purchased the system in June 2015. The MEX Support team have been great, the few times that they’ve been needed, they have always quickly and effectively resolved any issues.
Contact the MEX Sales Team today for more information on the Savanna Energy Case Study or call + 61 7 3392 4777
This Case Study was last updated: 29/10/2015 09:10