MEX Blog Article

Manage your Contractors with MEX

Manage your Contractors with MEX

MEX has been busy making new tools to make our MEX user’s job easier to manage their work.  One of these has been the creation of a tool to help our users manage the contractors that come on site to do work.

And this has been addressed with a two pronged attack.

Firstly, from a management perspective.  What our users have told us is that it is just hard to manage the work that contractors do, in keeping tabs on what purchase orders are out there and the processing of the contractor invoices.

To combat this we have made a change to the work order module.  The focus of the work orders has gone away from an in house view and instead focused on the work that contractors do and what is important. 

Contractor Portal Work Order Listing

Figure 1

The listing, figure 1, for work orders is now targeted at the work contractors do.  And from a management angle it is now clear and easy to see what contractors have what jobs.  What Purchase Orders have been sent out for the job, its invoice status and whether it has been approved by your own management team.

Some of the features of the contractor module are:

  • One step creation of work order and purchase order
  • Have contractors input their own invoices.
  • An approval process for all invoices and work done
  • The ability to reject the closing of work and asking the contractor to do it again.
  • Contractor performance management
  • Use standing orders for Contractors.
  • Easily match invoices to work orders.
  • Quoted value from contractors for work.
  • Stop overpayments with Purchase Order / Invoice matching
  • Track purchase order usage with contractors
  • Contractor can complete a work order without closing it.

This module is there to make it easier for MEX users to manage their contractors. 

Additionally there is also a new module that has been created exclusively for Contractors.

The contractor can log onto MEX from wherever they are and they have limited access to the system so that they can only do what they need to do inside of MEX or FleetMEX. 

Contractor Portal Access

Figure 2

As a user of MEX the contractor is nominated as to be able to use the contractor module.  They can log into this and will be presented with the screen in figure 2. 

The features of this are:

  • The contractor can view, edit, complete, print and invoice their work.
  • Add additional work to be done
  • Add their own employees to their system.

The contractor has limited avenues of what they can do in the contractor portal.  And this is by intention.  The contractor can do what they need to do but not affect your MEX or FleetMEX system

To learn more about the contractor module contact us on 07 3392 4777 or browse the MEX v 14 Features