MEX Blog Article

Astoria Group Case Study

Astoria Group Case Study

For more than 50 years, The Astoria Group has been successfully leading the way in Property Development. Owned by the Shanahan family, The Astoria Group utilises expertise built up from a rich history in the building industry and is involved in all aspects of the development process from master planning and design, through to construction, sales, property maintenance and management.

Our MEX Asset Register is structured in a way that allows technicians on the job to easily identify and locate the assets that they have been asked to work on. Within this structure MEX holds the maintenance history of all work completed on all the facilities we manage.

We operate out of three different sites, one in Sydney and two in Lisarow (Central Coast) in New South Wales, and therefore needed a way to access our MEX system from multiple locations.

“Hosting our system’s data with the MEX Data Hosting Service was for ease of accessing our asset information from all our sites and receiving upgrades.”

Take a look at the full Astoria Group Case Study for more information.

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