MEX Blog Article

Austral Bricks NSW Data Hosting Case Study

Austral Bricks NSW Data Hosting Case Study

The Austral Brick Company was founded in 1908 by a group of investors and builders. The company established itself as a major player in the brick industry by the outbreak of World War I in 1914. In time, Austral Bricks transformed from a state based operation to a national organisation with manufacturing operations in NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland.

We use MEX to manage all our assets within our plants and also our large fleet of trucks, trailers, forklifts and workshop vehicles. Within our plants and factories, MEX helps us stay on top of the maintenance on our conveyors, dryers, fans, pumps, motors and trolleys to name a few.

We needed a solution that would not only keep MEX up to date with the latest versions but would also make it easy for us to set users up and give them instant access to the system. MEX Data hosting was such a solution, and has been used for the past 12 months.

“MEX Data Hosting gives us great flexibility and allows us to access the system anywhere, anytime, without having to be connected to our local networks.”

Take a look at the full Austral Bricks NSW Case Study for more information

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