Usage based Preventative Maintenance schedules in MEX work off an average reading calculated from the readings added into MEX. More frequent reading records improve the accuracy of an average and setting up prestarts to capture a reading when conducted, can achieve this.
Let’s start by looking at how MEX works with readings, in particular the Automatic average that is the driving force behind usage-based PM’s.
First of all, a minimum of two readings must be entered into MEX before an Asset’s average usage reading may be calculated. Next, we take into consideration the value of the Average Using Last field in the Asset’s Reading details. This defaults to the last 6 Readings. Entering a 0 here will calculate the average over all readings.
Here is the formula:
The Automatic Average calculated will now be used in the Preventative Maintenance scheduling engine and work orders can be automatically created at the right times.
Not only do Prestarts emphasize a high safety standard in your work place, they can immediately improve the efficiency of any usage-based PM schedules you have created for your vehicles, trucks and equipment by collecting more frequent readings.
Come up with a set of questions and be sure to include the requirement to add a reading.
When this Prestart is carried out, a reading is captured and saved against the asset. Improving the average each time.
For a full run through on MEX Prestarts and creating a MEX Prestart, watch our tutorial here: Introducing MEX Prestarts
Have a go and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our support team at or call + 61 7 3392 4777