MEX Blog Article

Even Advanced Equipment Fail without Maintenance

Even Advanced Equipment Fail without Maintenance

No matter what we have made it still needs to be maintained.  From the simplest pulley system to the most complex system that has warnings, failsafe’s, fall overs etc.

If it’s not maintained, it will ultimately fail. That’s a matter of fact!

Just because we have spent a large sum of money on the new asset, does not guarantee it won’t have its issues. Once a piece of equipment has left the factory floor, it’s in use. All the new components are put to the test. The gears, the belts the wheels all go through their paces. Without maintenance, all these parts will keep wearing away and ultimately grind to a halt. Even the most complex systems.

An example of this recently occurred with US actor Tracy Morgan.  A Walmart truck rammed him, even though the truck was fitted with an advanced collision protection system.

Check out the story here –

Maintenance is a must, don’t neglect it!

Stephen Ninnes
MEX General Manager