MEX Blog Article

June eNews Directors Note 2014

June eNews Directors Note 2014

Well, summer is over and I thought I would tell you what we have been doing at MEX.

We have been working away at making changes to our MEX, FleetMEX and anything else we make. 

In the next release of these products you will see some big changes, and in others you will not even notice.

MEX and FleetMEX have one big addition that you will never see.  We call it the pipe and it allows us to distribute software to you whenever you need us to. Directly to your PC or server setup. For example, if we write a report for you, it will show up in the report menu next time you log in. But, it will be for you, only you and no one else.

The IPad and IPhone have both also been updated.  We just made them faster and better at their job.

There are a variety of changes made internally with all our products, but it is mainly to do with the idea of improving performance, getting rid of bugs, and the inclusion of some new enhancements.

I won’t go through all the changes here, but instead ask you to read the release notes for all of that information.

Regards and enjoy the newest versions

Stephen Ninnes
MEX General Manager

Directors Note