MEX Blog Article

MEX Launches National Safe Work Month

MEX Launches National Safe Work Month

October is Australia’s Work Health and Safety Month and MEX is pledging alongside Safe Work Australia to help our customers focus on building a safe and healthy workplace.

“Poor work health and safety costs $5000 per worker each year and equates to 4.1 per cent of Australia’s gross domestic product. This doesn’t even touch on the immeasurable cost of grief and trauma to workers and their families.” (Ms Smith-Gander, Safe Work Australia Chair)

MEX is a great tool that can help reduce work place safety risks and ensure your equipment and staff are as safe as they can be. This October you can expect a range of tech tips and advice regarding work place safety from MEX so stay tuned and see how MEX can help minimise your operations accident risks.

We would also like to urge all our customers to take up this initiative and commit to improving health and safety in your workplace.

For more information on National Safe Work Month visit

National Work Safe Month

National Safe Work Month

Keep up to date with our Safe Work Month by visiting this page on our blog: MEX National Safe Work Month

National Safe Work Month