MEX Blog Article

MSS Safety Case Study

MSS Safety Case Study

MSS Safety is a Registered Training Organisation based in South Australia specialising in high risk safety related subjects including work in confined spaces, at height and industrial rescue. MSS distribute safety equipment which generally have a high maintenance, inspection or calibration requirement for which MSS is an approved service centre for this equipment.

Since the implementation of MEX we’ve moved away from our cumbersome paper based systems of spreadsheets and into the digital space. With MEX we are able to adhere to high levels of maintenance always delivering optimal standards to our clients. Our processes have been streamlined and incorporate preventative maintenance, work orders, barcoding and the allow for mobility through the MEX iOS App.

There has been a significant improvement in our timings when servicing and inspecting client assets since implementing MEX. Our turnaround on each task is now measured in hours, where before it was in days.

“If we were to quantify utilising MEX we are producing twice as much work in half the time.”

Take a look at the full MSS Safety Case Study for more information.

Useful Links

Case Study National Safe Work Month