MEX Blog Article

New MEX Version 15 Released June 2021

New MEX Version 15 Released June 2021

Here at MEX we have been working hard on releasing the latest build of MEX 15 and MEX Mobile and have some really exciting new enhancements to announce.

Introducing MEX Prestarts!

Every time an operator goes to use equipment, they can now perform a series of checks to reinforce safe operation and also identify any faults to be corrected then and there. From here maintenance requests or work orders can then be created in MEX to capture and allow the maintenance team to rectify any issues.

In order to use prestarts in MEX you will need to:

  • Create Prestarts in the Control Files
  • Assign your Prestarts to respective assets
  • If you want to use QR Codes or barcodes, make sure your assets have this information saved in their details
  • And Set up specific Prestart users

Complete inspections onsite, capture the images you need to make a case plus the ability to add Maintenance Requests on the fly.

Now available on MEX Mobile across Android, iOS and UWP devices.

Creating a MEX Prestart   Prestarts FAQ

There have also been a number of bug fixes that have gone into this release.

Work Orders

Changing between time zones will not affect the Work Order Scheduler and its backlog will correctly return any searches you do through the Ranges with Due start dates entered.

In the Contractor portal, the qualifications alert now appears when a particular Contractor with expired qualifications is added to a Contractor Work Order.


We have worked hard to minimise duplications in Purchase Orders including Purchase Order, Lines and Region Lines issue. Duplicating catalogue items have also been streamlined to limit any issues around images attached to items being duplicated.

MEX Mobile

MEX Mobile will no longer crash on iOS when signature exceeds the provided box. Also, when clicking on the answer field of a comment type question, it will no longer crash in the iOS Inspection Details.

We also fixed a keyboard layout issue when a user is automatically logged out when inactive for too long.

MEX Support Menu

Get access to the support and resources you need to help you get the job done. We have added some extra help options to the MEX Help menu.

Simply click the Question Mark option on the top right-hand side and get access to the MEX Help guide, Support and Cloud Hosting emails, Support tools and for our Data Hosting customers – Their Hosting Status.

For a detailed breakdown of these fixes please refer to the release notes found on the MEX User Portal or in the MEX User Guide.

If you have automatic updates checked then the upgrade process will be just as you guessed it – automatic! Otherwise you will have to contact MEX Support for details on performing the manual upgrade.

If you have any questions, or any issues please get in contact with our support department at or call +61 7 3392 4777 and they will be more than happy to help you out.


Product News MEX V15