MEX Blog Article

Printing Orders in MEX v14 and Microsoft’s Security Certificate

Printing Orders in MEX v14 and Microsoft’s Security Certificate

One of the main grievances at the recent MEX user conference was MEX’s ability to print documents in the new v 14 web based version in a more convenient manner. Although the current versions printing procedure works, it is at times complicated to use. We all agreed that surely there was an easier way.

MEX has the ability to attach a number of supporting documents to a particular asset and even the work orders associated to them. All the vital information and procedures that are associated with any one asset can be saved in one place. These attachments play an important role in the upkeep of the particular asset and can at times be the difference between the assets downtime and productivity.

When printing or emailing these work orders, there are times when it is essential that users are also able to dispatch these attached files with ease. Most maintenance operations have to deal with a large number of work orders. Which means the need to efficiently and logically print these orders becomes ever more prominent.

We have looked long and hard at this issue and have come up with a workable solution in version 14. We found that in order for MEX to be able to email these reports as PDF attachments it is a requirement of Microsoft Security that MEX is run in “Trusted Mode”. Acting on this, we have tweaked the new version of MEX and given it the ability to run in this mode and easily deliver reports and attachments. This has been done with the help of a Microsoft Security Certificate that ensures that the user’s computer and the main server holding the database work hand in hand through a trusted relationship. This means that all the reports generated by the server can be easily passed to the client as a combined document, and can be printed physically or compiled in PDF format to be emailed.

Now you can print all those bulk work orders without having to rearrange them at the end of the print cycle. This is just another one of our convenient improvements that has helped make MEX Maintenance Software a versatile and easy to use CMMS.


To set this up, the MEX Security Certificate will need to be downloaded from the MEX User Portal and run on the appropriate work stations.

Note: This is only a fix for MEX/FleetMEX Version 14.

The Certificate Installer is listed under the MEX Upgrades listing and once downloaded and executed the certificate will be automatically installed. If there are any network security issues during installation, seek the help of your IT Department to carry out the installation on your behalf.