MEX Blog Article

Watpac Case Study

Watpac Case Study

Before releasing MEX V15 we worked with one of our larger hosting customers Watpac, to ensure the speed and efficiency was up to standard.


Watpac is a national construction and civil and mining services company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. Their collaborative approach with clients enables the delivery of a broad range of mining and civil works tailored to each unique operating environment, encompassing a range of commodities including iron ore, gold, mineral sands and coal, as well as various local and Government agency projects.

The Situation

Watpac have multiple mining and civil sites that utilise MEX and rely on the portable nature of the software to efficiently conduct maintenance tasks. A number of these field sites are limited to only 3G network coverage. Our remote locations and intensive database meant we could struggle with speed and connectivity accessing our hosted MEX database.

The Solution

To resolve this issue, we started working with MEX to optimise our database and improve our speed and efficiency.

“MEX has helped significantly improve our remote systems response times.”

Take a look at the full Watpac Case Study for more information.

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Case Study MEX Customers