Cranbrook is an Anglican independent day and boarding school for boys, pre-school aged to year 12. Established back in July 1918 in Bellevue Hill, Sydney Harbour.
Today the school comprises of 6 sites with up to 30 buildings that date back to the school’s inception with several awarded heritage status. 4 separate education campuses cater for approximately 1600 students and 300 staff across two pre-schools, a junior campus, a senior campus and boarder’s accommodation.
How is the MEX Maintenance Software Used In Your Organisation?
Our facilities and maintenance team look after day to day operations, upgrades of facilities, catering, security, co-ordination of function set ups, and general maintenance. MEX helps us manage and track all these activities through requests, Work Orders and Preventative Maintenance policies.
We use MEX Ops in conjunction with MEX to streamline our maintenance efforts across our 6 sites. MEX Ops is used by all staff to send through maintenance requests and issues to our facilities and maintenance team. These requests are then evaluated and Work Orders created to carry out the tasks required. This gives us a maintenance paper trail and helps us keep track of when and where work has been carried out in the different sites and buildings that we maintain.
What Benefits have you seen since implementing MEX?
Having all our procedures for maintaining assets streamlined has been the major benefit. This can be attributed to MEX’s Preventative Maintenance functionality that has allowed us to more rigorously follow and ensure that regular checks and tests are completed on assets along a correct time line.
MEX has allowed us to better collate and view maintenance related information. We can now view all outstanding requests and work in one centralized system as opposed to our previous method of using emails, which we found dicult to collate and hard to track especially when dealing with 6 sites. MEX has simplified this process for us.
Furthermore, the recent addition of MEX Ops to our setup and the fact that it’s very easy to use has been a real benefit for the school as it allows requests to be sent directly to our maintenance team. A great return on our investment in MEX.
Contact the MEX Sales Team today for more information on the Cranbrook School Case Study or call + 61 7 3392 4777
This Case Study was last updated: 27/09/2016 10:09