Nelson Forests Ltd is a New Zealand based forestry company that’s been managed by Global Forest Partners, one of the world’s oldest and largest forestry investment managers and advisors. Nelson Forests currently own 78,000 hectares of high quality radiata pine plantations in the Nelson and Marlborough regions of New Zealand which also includes the Kaituna Sawmill near Blenheim. Nelson Forests has an environmental focus and is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council resulting in the strict environmental, social and economic operational standards.
How do you use the MEX Maintenance Software?
MEX is used at the Kaituna Sawmill to manage the maintenance activities on site. We use the Asset Register to organise our assets based on functionality. We currently have something like 6,000 different assets in our register. Our assets are first categorised into 9 processes which includes the Sawmill, Drying, Planer, Dry Chain, Treatment, Admin, Vehicles, Workshop and the Yard.
These processes have been categorised down into another 5 levels, where appropriate, to detail all the equipment needed to maintain operations around the site. Here we store all maintenance information relating to each asset. This includes asset information, any Work Orders that have been assigned, any safety information, last service dates and Preventative Maintenance Policies.
We use MEX Ops for work requests and we use the Stores module for our comprehensive catalogue of barcoded spare parts. We have recently transferred our purchasing system into MEX and in the last few years we have started moving more into the use of MEX iOS Apps.
What benefits have you seen since implementing MEX?
We have been using MEX for 9 and-a-half years and we are extremely satisfied with the benefits that have eventuated since its implementation. It is easy to use and our meticulously structured Asset Register allows us to intently monitor our machinery and assets at each processing level ensuring that we have maximised work flow, reduced breakdowns, significantly improved uptime and met compliance conditions.
Additionally, we use the Stores module to help us more effectively keep track of our inventory and spare parts. From the purchasing system in MEX we now create Purchase Orders when requesting materials and services through our suppliers. This keeps everything in the one place simplifying account reconciliation and stocktakes. MEX has also enabled us to improve our Work Order and scheduling systems and track how well we are performing. Everything is laid out so clearly and logically it makes it simple when allocating Work Orders and spare parts.
MEX has helped improve our maintenance practices and made things more efficient for us at OneFortyOne.
Contact the MEX Sales Team today for more information on the OneFortyOne Case Study or call + 61 7 3392 4777
This Case Study was last updated: 25/02/2016 23:02