Dunns Earthmoving is a recognized leading provider in earthmoving and related services. Established in 2001, Dunns Earthmoving is a family owned and operated company that has grown to include 60 fly in fly out employees. The Head office is located in Norwood South Australia and its operational office is based at Padulla, 80kms South West of Moomba in the Cooper Basin, South Australia.
Dunns Earthmoving operates in four main sectors: Earthworks, Water Supply, Labour and Equipment. With an extensive and diverse range of resources and equipment based in central Australia, Dunns Earthmoving is able to respond to logistical challenges with appropriate equipment and services in a timely manner.
How is the MEX Maintenance Software Used?
We use MEX to manage and maintain all of our assets, particularly our fleet of vehicles. Here at Dunns we operate and maintain all types of vehicles including: Dozers, Graders, Scrapers, Skid Steers, Backhoes, Loaders, Prime Movers, Water tankers and Light 4x4 Vehicles. With such a large variety of vehicles requiring comprehensive service records and maintenance histories, it’s imperative that we have a system like MEX.
MEX helps us identify issues that need to be rectified against each asset. We are looking forward utilising MEX to its fullest potential in the near future particularly Preventative Maintenance, as we intend to set up a series of policies to alert us of all future maintenance tasks we need to carry out on each asset.
What benefits have you seen since implementing MEX?
Mex has improved our processes for retaining information pertaining to our assets and the expenses associated with those assets. This has enhanced our ability to provide our head office with a snapshot of our expenditures at any time. We now can easily provide a thorough account of servicing costs, maintenance, equipment repairs and replacements.
This type of information has allowed us to see what’s costing too much money and where we can save money. We can then confidently decide whether or not we should continue to maintain certain assets or if our maintenance budget would be better spent replacing the asset.
As we continue to use MEX we plan to make full use of all its maintenance management capabilities to help us better maintain our equipment
Contact the MEX Sales Team today for more information on the Dunns Earthmoving Case Study or call + 61 7 3392 4777
This Case Study was last updated: 04/08/2015 15:08