Queensland Sugar Limited (QSL) is a leader in the raw sugar market in Australia and has over the years built an excellent reputation for quality, service and innovation in the international sugar market. By creating sustainable business partnerships with sugar refiners in the Asia-Pacific region, QSL provides a platform for Australian sugar producers to access growing international markets.
Through six bulk terminals in Queensland, QSL manages the majority of Australian raw sugar exports through a unique and innovative pooling system. This export system delivers pricing transparency, stability and optimal returns for Australian sugar millers and cane growers as well as supply chain solutions to provide a consistent supply of Australian premium raw sugar for international customers.
How is the MEX maintenance software used?
Here at QSL we utilize MEX across six bulk sugar terminals to manage and mobilise our day-to-day maintenance activities. To keep data specific to each site, we use MEX Regions to separate our six terminals.
What this does is display the Assets, Work Orders, Preventative Maintenance Schedules and History associated with each site when one of our users logs into MEX. This means our users only see what they need to, avoiding confusion and ensuring that the asset life cycle plans of each individual bulk sugar terminal is captured in MEX for implementation by each site’s maintenance staff.
To help us stay on top of our maintenance activities, we utilise a set of KPIs displayed in MEX in the form of graphs. These graphs equip our terminal management teams with the information they need to formulate plans on how to optimise maintenance activities at their terminals.
Why did you decide to host your data with MEX?
We needed to find a solution to the speed issues that we were experiencing. Whenever a number of users logged into MEX, we noticed that our system would slow down. After working with MEX to improve our connection speed and identifying infrastructure issues as a factor, we found that going onto the hosting platform resolved our usage dilemma.
We can now have multiple users in the MEX system at the same time and easily use the system without the issue of speed.
How long have you been hosting your data with MEX?
We’ve been using the MEX Hosting service for the past four years and in that time have been extremely satisfied with the service we have received. The process of setting our system was straightforward and, in that time, we have had no significant issues with the service.
Contact the MEX Sales Team today for more information on the Queensland Sugar Limited Case Study or call + 61 7 3392 4777
This Case Study was last updated: 26/09/2019 08:09