MEX Tradesman – Four Hour Training Course
The Tradesman Training Course is intended to enable an attendee to perform the basic day-to-day tasks that would be required of a trades-level user. The course primarily focuses on the Work Order process, allowing these users to be responsible for recording their own work-related activities in the system. The Tradesman Training course typically runs over a four-hour period, allowing for multiple groups to attend.
The MEX Tradesman – Four Hour Training Course includes these topics:
MEX Navigation
- Navigate in the Work Orders Module.
- Navigate in the Work Order Details screen.
- Navigate in the History Module.
- Navigate in the Work Order History Details screen.
Asset Register Navigation
- Navigate in the tree structure.
- Navigate across the different tabs.
- Use the Asset Search Tool.
- Navigate in the Asset Details screen.
MEX Listing Activities
- Use the Search field in the Work Order Listing.
- Use the Range function in the History Module.
- Change the Sort Order of the Work Order Listing.
- Move and resize a column in the Work Order Listing.
Work Orders / History
Create and save your Work Order with the mandatory information.
- Update some basic information.
- Enter labour requirements.
- Enter parts required.
- Attach a document.
- Print preview the Work Order.
- Close off the job to History.
- Review your Work Order in the History Module.
- Closing off a Work Order from a Non-Fixed Preventative Maintenance.
- Create a Post Entry Work Order.
- Reviewing historical work for an Asset.
- Create a maintenance Request.
The only pre-requisite for this course is a basic understanding of computer usage.
NB: Please be aware that running this course privately will necessitate certain equipment and/or technical requirements. If you feel that you may not be able to meet these requirements, please contact us to find out what options are available to you.
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