Blog Tag - Tech Tips

Standing Down Assets in MEX

Standing Down Assets in MEX

We take a look at the Stand Down function in the MEX Asset Register. Allowing you to temporarily prevent Work Orders being generated from preventative maintenance schedules the asset is assigned to.

Tech Tips

Changing A User Password in MEX

Changing A User Password in MEX

This Tech Tip goes through the steps involved in changing your user password in MEX.

Tech Tips

New Supplier Invoicing in MEX

New Supplier Invoicing in MEX

For those customers that use the Stores inventory module of MEX, we have introduced a new supplier invoice module. This allows a user to more easily validate the supplier’s invoice against the items that you have actually received from the Supplier.

Tech Tips

Changing the look of MEX using Themes

Changing the look of MEX using Themes

With the January release of MEX comes with it the reintroduction of Themes in MEX. Allowing users to change the cosmetic appearance of MEX/FleetMEX to suit their purposes.

Tech Tips

Working with Asset Criticality

Working with Asset Criticality

Some assets can be more critical than others, and so we have added the functionality to flag critical Assets in MEX. This tech tip introduces you to this feature.

Tech Tips

Drag and Drop to Upload Documents into MEX

Drag and Drop to Upload Documents into MEX

With the January release of MEX, a new feature has been added which allows for documents to be uploaded directly into MEX by dragging and dropping the file.

Tech Tips

Working with the New Report Designer

Working with the New Report Designer

In the latest update of MEX, the MEX Report Designer has been integrated into the MEX V15 platform. User’s don’t have to use a separate application to create, edit or delete system reports. You simply access the designer and start working with reports.

Tech Tips

Proxies and Web Filtering Issues

Proxies and Web Filtering Issues

One of the most common issues for any web application is that a lot of proxies and filter services can aggressively cache web responses to try to help increase performance for end-users.

Tech Tips

Working with Scheduled Tasks in MEX 15

Working with Scheduled Tasks in MEX 15

Over time MEX users will develop a routine to using the system. To make life easier, MEX has a feature called Scheduled Tasks which allows a user to set up a schedule to run these routine tasks rather than having to run it manually.

Tech Tips

Set For All SMTP Settings in MEX

Set For All SMTP Settings in MEX

A tech tip on the SMTP Set For All multi update function to set all users notification settings.

Tech Tips

Exciting News! MEX Maintenance Experts has been acquired by TMA Systems, expanding our global reach and capabilities. Read the full press release here.